If you need an openCARP introduction, training or documentation, you cant find it here along with our question & answer system
Examples of cardiac in-silico experiments as introduction to openCARP and carputils
Video tutorials
Video tutorials introducing the ideas of computational cardiac modeling and basic features of openCARP and carputils
openCARP user manual
Detailed introduction to cardiac in-silico experiments, openCARP, Carputils and their interfaces
meshalyzer manual
User manual for the mesh display and analysis tool meshalyzer
openCARP code documentation
Access to the code documentation using doxygen
carputils code documentation
Access to the code documentation using doxygen
Transition from CARPentry
Transitioning from CARP or CARPentry? Learn about the differences!
Test reports
Reports of continuous regression tests
Question & Answer
Help yourself and support other openCARP community members
Want to get a first impression of openCARP without needing to run simulations on the terminal? carputilsGUI might the right choice for you.
Using openCARP with JupyterLab
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