Video tutorials

In this section you will find a set of video tutorials that will help you to get started with openCARP. If you want to stay updated, just subscribe to the openCARP YouTube channel.

openCARP workshop 2021 - Karlsruhe


Further videos

Basic cardiac electrophysiology

Introduction to ionic models

Implementing an ionic model for openCARP with EasyML

Running single cell simulations, changing parameters and adding plug-ins

Overview of workflow - Part1

Overview of workflow - Part2

Generating an experiment bundle

A tour through the community platform

Installing openCARP

Installing carputilsGUI on Windows

Installing carputilsGUI on macOS

carputilsGUI intro (openCARP workshop 2020)

Overview of cardiac electrophysiology simulations

History of openCARP

openCARP workshop 2021 - Sharing Experiments

openCARP workshop 2021 - Meshalyzer

Meshalyzer - 01 Basic Intro

Meshalyzer - 02 Basic Model Visualization

Meshalyzer - 03 Linking Several Visualizations

Meshalyzer - 04 Advanced Visualization

Meshalyzer - 05 Expert Visualization

Meshalyzer - 06 Auxilliary Grids

Meshalyzer - 07 Saving Images

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