
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, openCARP uses a vMAJOR.PATCH versioning scheme. We increase the

  • MAJOR version when we add functionality, and the
  • PATCH version when we make backwards compatible bug fixes



  • Pig model based on Gaur & Vigmond et al. (2021)
  • Support for max function in MLIR builds
  • Support for SUNDIALS v6 and v7
  • Update C++ standard to 17
  • Update LLVM to 18
  • MLIR noground_bidom benchmarks (thanks @huppe) to xbat (formerly Continuous Benchmarking)


  • sv_dump in MLIR+DLO build where extra "0" lines were output
  • Conversion of transmembrane charge into concentration (#356)
  • Reference to stimulus file format for bench


  • Docker image archives are not stored on the web server anymore, only in the Docker registry.
  • CI artifacts are kept for 12 hours instead of 2
  • Removed duplicate Steward model (Stewart still exists)
  • Change in OpenMP activation: the option USE_OPENMP can now take three different values:
    • UTILS (default): OpenMP is activated for igbutils and meshtool
    • OFF: OpenMP is deactivated
    • ON: OpenMP is activated globally
    • Note: this changes the default behavior (before, OpenMP was deactivated by default).
  • Compiler optimization level set to zero for param (issues with Ubuntu 24.04, gcc 13.2.0, glibc 2.39)

Known issues

  • Some regression tests are failing when using Ginkgo as the numerical backend (#151)

[15.0] - 2024-03-18


  • More detailed information on how stimulus currents are treated in chapter 3 of the manual
  • Regression test for stress models
  • Option to calculate cell surface to cell volume ratio (convert stimulus current to concentration change) (thanks @ml0401)
  • Regression test for the feature above (thanks @ml0401)
  • Generic build target defines below for ionic models introduced. By default all targets for a given model are built, define model specific macros to only generate code for specific targets, e.g. ALIEVPANFILOV_MLIR_CPU_GENERATED. Cleaner build logs (#243, !184, thanks @huppe)
  • CI job to keep generated IMP sources (physics/limpet/src/imps_src) in sync with .model files (on master)
  • CI job to warn if IMP sources (physics/limpet/src/imps_src) are out of sync with .model files (on non-master branches)
  • Support for non-activating nodes when using prepacing
  • Regression test for non-existing imp regions (#332, thanks @tomas.stary)
  • Documentation for MLIR tests (thanks @huppe)


  • Stress model variables Ca_i renamed to Cai (thanks @jorge.sanchez)
  • Calling of python and shell scripts for dynamic model building now supported with AppImage after extraction
  • Bugs related to IMP data layout optimisation (DLO) (thanks @huppe)
  • The deps Docker image is now built on branches when Dockerfile-deps is modified
  • Correctly convert math function pow to corresponding vector math library function call for MLIR code (thanks @huppe)
  • Fixed buildinfo output
  • Fixed Vm_clamp and GND_ex pulse forms
  • Fixed HodgkinHuxley.model
  • Bug when dumping state variables in DLO builds (thanks @huppe)
  • Enable build in source folders which are not a repository (#351)


  • State vector extension in bench when validation flag is set true (e.g. OHara.Cai -> OHara.Cai.bin) (thanks @ml0401)

[14.0] - 2023-12-07


  • latest tag pointing to the most current release (#334)


  • The documentation of bench commands in the PDF manual is now autogenerated from bench --help
  • Improved documentation for MLIR builds (thanks @vincent.loechner)
  • Major rewrite of LIMPET moving from C to C++ (thanks @Raphael)
  • Deprecated -buildinfo argument, now the build info is printed by default
  • igbapd: linear interpolation of AP start
  • State structure data layout optimization of ionic models (thanks @Raphael)
  • Do --stim-assign preprocessing in bench only once and not per timestep


  • ISAC_Hu model was missing some parentheses
  • Missing initialization of pointers to parameter structures in ION_IF.h
  • Include units in PDF and online parameter help
  • works with CMake based compilation for CVODE and DEBUG (#330)
  • Compatibility with SUNDIALS v6
  • Checkpointing when data layout optimization (DLO) was enabled (thanks @Raphael)
  • Dynamic models (#310)
  • Incorrect memory copies and memory initialization on GPU when using multiple regions
  • --stim-assign in bench didn't work (#338, thanks @sophiaohnms)
  • Stim species assignment for multiple species with non-equal ratios
  • Linear solver name changed from const char* to std::string to prevent name corruption.

[13.0] - 2023-05-25


  • Elec matrix integration: Added output of element and region info in case of NaN matrix entries. This help with spotting errors in the tissue parametrization (e.g zero fibers or conductivities, deteriorated elements).
  • Ionic models: Added support for AMD code generation with MLIR. Ionic models can now be compiled and ran on AMD GPUs.
  • Compilation of multiple versions of a given ionic model in the same build (see docs/
  • --target option to select execution platform in bench (see docs/
  • User manual: Cite carphelp and give an example of usage
  • CI job building openCARP using the provided Makefile


  • Elec matrix integration: Optimized choice of integration order.
  • CMake process in physics/limpet refactored for readability
  • GPU models can now access data correctly with -DENABLE_MLIR_CODEGEN=DATA_LAYOUT_OPTIMIZATION
  • Use overlay2 as DOCKER_DRIVER in CI pipelines


  • Fixed a number of compiler warnings. Now builds clean with clang15.
  • Build process based on plain Makefile.

Known issues

  • Some regression tests are failing when using Ginkgo as the numerical backend (#151)

[12.0] - 2022-12-19


  • New macOS package, compatible with Apple Silicon Macs.
  • Tomek ionic model.
  • Pre-commit hook to generate CITATION.cff from codemeta.json
  • Added Ginkgo numerical backend (use CMake option ENABLE_GINKGO)
  • Added the printout of all parameters with --output-setup option
  • Optimized CPU and GPU code generation for ionic models using MLIR compiler infrastructure (use CMake option ENABLE_MLIR_CODEGEN, see docs/BUILD_WITH_MLIR).


  • macOS precompiled packages now contain MPICH, shipped with PETSc, like the Linux packages.
  • Continuous Benchmarking can now be run on any branch (commit hash passed to Continuous Benchmarking trigger)
  • Abstraction of interface to numerical backend (vectors etc.)
  • Release step consists of two steps (manual tag pre-vX.Y and automatic tag vX.Y) now to include specific DOI in metadata in repo
  • Steward model renamed to Stewart (fixing a typo in the name)


  • cleaned up stim.crct.type and stimulus.stimtype to only contain available stimulus types.
  • --initial flag in example 01/02B

Known issues

  • Some regression tests are failing when using Ginkgo as the numerical backend (#151)

[11.0] - 2022-07-18


  • Control over output domain for (phie, phie_i, and vm) via -dataout_i and -dataout_e.
  • Dedicated, asynchronous IO processes via -num_io_nodes.
  • Support for arctan, atan, sin, floor functions in .model and CellML files
  • CI pipeline extended by Continuous Benchmarking via Megware's framework
  • Modify package generation and include paths in to make it usable in precompiled packages (rpm, deb, pkg and AppImage).


  • When using cmake to build openCARP with external tools, openMP is disabled in meshtool if it is disabled for openCARP
  • Right-handed coordinate system also for 2D elements in SF::get_transformed_pts() (thanks @jk)
  • Maintenance on tutorials (thanks @joshuasteyer, @jk)
  • CMake aborted when libgfortran wasn't found (thanks @teo.puig)
  • Fix include path hints in for the case where openCARP is compiled from sources

[10.0] - 2022-05-30


  • to faciliatate conversion from .model to .cellml via .mmt, see example 01/11 for detailed instructions
  • Documentation on monodmain and bidomain boundary conditions (sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the manual)
  • Performance stats output for ionics (ODE_stats.dat) and IO (IO_stats.dat) in sim output dir


  • The AppImage package now contains some helper scripts: one to extract openCARP binaries from the AppImage, the other one to install carputils.
  • In the postinstall phase of cmake, symbolic links created for MPI executables in /usr/local/bin could potentially interfer with an existing installation. These symbolic links were removed and the path to the MPI executable is now configured in carputils settings.
  • openCARP Docker image is now based on Ubuntu 20.04
  • bench --imp-info now also shows plugin metadata
  • Metadata lines in .model files do not need to end with a semicolon anymore
  • Added _build/physics/limpet to include directories to be compatible with CMake-based installations


  • square(X) and cube(X) in .model files were causing error during code generation when using the Rosenbrock method
  • Skip tests on contents of my_switches.def if it does not exist in install directory
  • Fix the inclusion of MPI executables in Linux precompiled packages
  • Fix documentation pipeline to include Stim structure.
  • Fix error when trying to recompile openCARP after adding a new ionic model
  • Ionic model metadata fields were cut if they contained a colon
  • Made ionic model metadata fields consistent
  • Compilation on macOS with M1 processor
  • Changed xmltree.etree.getchildren() to list(xmltree.etree) for Python3.9 compatibility
  • Better support for exponential notation in CellML files

[9.0] - 2022-02-22


  • Implementation for --stim-species and --stim-ratios parameters in bench
  • Option for OpenMP support in CMake (-DUSE_OPENMP=ON)


  • Names of ionic models and plugins. See physics/limpet/models/ for details of the naming scheme and a mapping from old to new names. Additionally, variables were named consistenly across all available ionic models and plugins.
  • bench: consistently no output of progress to terminal if using --fout irrespective of wheter --validate is being used or not.
  • model files: changed pow(x,2) and pow(x,3) to square(X) and cube(X), respectively.
  • Ensure fibre vectors have unit length (
  • Courtemanche.model now considers dynamically changing intracellular potassium concentration as in the original publication


  • Add missing link to hydra_pmi_proxy in /usr/local/bin in postinstall phase for MPICH
  • Kurata et al. ionic model
  • mesher fiber generation for off-center meshes (
  • Loading of external IMPs when openCARP is built with -DNDEBUG flag

[8.2] - 2021-12-18


  • Add CI jobs for testing (on schedule) and releasing openCARP Spack package when a new version is released.
  • Added libjpeg as a dependency in CPack for being able to install pillow python package
  • Documentation for the installation of openCARP via Spack.
  • Optional building igbdft, required FFTW3 library
  • --buildinfo flag for bench
  • Added autotester pipeline
  • Added AppImage building and release

[8.1] - 2021-10-01


  • Fixed bench not starting when tracing is used.
  • Fixed trace output granularity.

[8.0] - 2021-09-23


  • Added trace functionality.
  • Added human readable interpretations of PETSc solver divergence errors.
  • Automatically add dropdown entries on webpage (parameters, doxygen, test reports) for release versions.


  • Many fixes and improvements.

[7.0] - 2021-06-29


  • Pathmanathan & Gray cell model for test cases with analytical solution
  • Loewe-Lutz-Fabbri-Severi cell model (human sinus node)
  • Extended documentation on gvec[] parameters
  • A filename given as parameter can now be given with its extension
  • Warning in header to not change auto-generated files in simulator
  • Numerical schemes as chapter 29 of the user manual


  • Default PETSc linear solver options set more sensibly.
  • limpet/ module renamed to limpet/ for better compatibility with other common modules
  • Ionic model code is only re-generated in the CMake compilation when changes are present (determined per model)
  • Types of some parameters of type string but corresponding to file names to RFile/WFile
  • carp.prm was renamed to openCARP.prm as well as the auto-generated files in simulator


  • Adjustments per node were only applied to the first node of the mesh.

[6.0] - 2021-05-17


  • illumination ionics interface and IchR2 model supporting it
  • Bench parameter --start-out to control first output time step
  • dump_vtx option for stimuli


  • Archiving of releases in the RADAR repository
  • mesher fix for 2D mesh lon files.
  • many fixes throughout the codebase.
  • CI fixes.

[5.0] - 2021-01-20


  • CVODE related fixes.


  • Added EasyML function rand01(): random number in range [0,1]
  • Header to restitution*.dat files generated by bench (starting with '# ')
  • Added stim[].ptcl.stimlist to specify list of stimulation times.
  • Documentation on units for currents on the single cell level.

[4.0] - 2020-09-29


  • Several fixes to FEM integration.


  • External projects (carputils, examples, and meshtool) in the packages.
  • Added support for Prism and Pyramid element types.
  • Added support for per-element conductivity scaling.
  • Added support for element renumbering and element-based input data.


  • Restructured docker files, merged user-version and developer-version docker images.

[3.2] - 2020-07-13


  • mMS ionic model.
  • Increased robustness of im_param option by applying whitespace removal to option string.
  • CI improvements.


  • Fixed write_statef option not working.
  • Fixed dynamic model building workflow.

[3.1] - 2020-06-18


  • MacOS installer.

[3.0] - 2020-06-17


  • Support for heterogenous electrode strength scaling via stimulus[].vtx_fcn (legacy stim) and stim[].elec.vtx_fcn (new stim format).


  • Fixes to igbapd. It is now more consistent in its output handling.


  • Exposed more state vars in COURTEMANCHE model.
  • CI updates.
  • Reworked index and indexed data reading.

[2.0] - 2020-05-09


  • Python3 support complete.
  • Added support for different (i.e. non-PETSc) matrix and solver implementations.
  • KDtree partitioner is faster and requires less memory.


  • Fixed MacCannell_Fb_plug and I_KATP models.
  • Laplace solver only requires extracellular mesh.
  • Many fixes and optimizations to the cmake building and packaging workflow.


  • is now CONTRIBUTORS.yml, which will also be used to generate the metadata for archives of the releases.
  • Exposed TT2.Gto limpet variable.
  • Build-time code generation now uses python3.

[1.2] - 2020-03-17


  • adjust_MIIF_variable now tells the user what adjustment went wrong.


  • Added gridout_p for partitioning output.


  • Removed some unsupported simulator parameters.


  • Further improved python3 compatibility.
  • Improved message output for gridout.

[1.1] - 2020-03-05


  • Dynamic ionic model loading was fixed.


  • Many python scripts are now python3 compatible. The transition is not complete yet.

[1.0] - 2020-03-03

  • Initial public release

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