1st openCARP Contributor Meeting

14 March 2022: 4 pm - 7pm CET as online workshop

Workshop Agenda | Venue and Accomondation | Travel | Registration and Contact


Highly detailed simulations of cardiac function have become feasible, but performing such simulations remains a highly non-trivial problem, as complex workflows have to be employed to build, parameterize and execute simulations. The main focus of the 1st openCARP Contributor Meeting (March 14, 2022, online) is to provide information to the community how to contribute to both sharing numerical experiments with openCARP and the development of the underlying software framework (the openCARP simulator and carputils as scripting language for the experiments).

We have again planned to split the program into those more interested in contributing on the simulation experiment side and those interested in contributing to the code. If you have rather limited knowledge of openCARP the first one is likely to be the better track.


  • Introduce all necessary information for all kinds of contributions
  • Bring people together with the same interests in contributing
  • Define voluntary groups to implement a project under supervision of an openCARP maintainer
  • Showing recent enhancements and new experiments


The openCARP Contributor Meeting addresses researchers at all career levels (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, senior scientists) in academia and industry with research interests in computational modeling of cardiac electrophysiology.

Video platform

We will send a link to the video platform directly via email for those who have registered to the workshop.

Workshop Agenda

The workshop will start 4pm on Monday, March 14 and will last for three hours.

Time Topic Person
16:00 Welcome, introduction and general aspects of contributing Gunnar
16:15 openCARP community tools Axel
16:30 Installing openCARP and carputils Cary
16:45 Sharing openCARP experiments Marie
17:00 The MICROCARD project Mark Potse
17:15 Break
17:30 Splitting in two breakout rooms
Contributing to experiments; Developing experiments; Presenting ideas from user meeting, adding further ideas, and prioritizing; Building groups that meet in follow-up sessions to implement ideas (under supervision of one openCARP Maintainer) Gernot, Gunnar, Marie, Jorge
Contributing to code (openCARP, carputils, etc.); Explaining the code contributor & code style concept; Handling contributions with gitlab; Collecting ideas for code contributions; Building groups that meet in follow-up sessions to implement ideas (under supervision of one openCARP Maintainer) Aurel, Ed, Cary, Matthias, Toni
18:30 Presentation of the implementations developed during and after the user meeting Teo
18:45 General Q&A, Farewell all
19:00 End

Registration and Contact

There is no registration fee. To join the openCARP Contributor Meeting, you need to register using this form.

If you have any questions, please contact

Gunnar Seemann
Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine, University Heart Center Freiburg ยท Bad Krozingen
Email: Gunnar.Seemann@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Tel: +49 761 270 63883

Supported by

via the SuLMaSS project


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